Food and Wine

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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Sourness is found naturally in many foods. Wines vinegars and lemon juice are many of the common acids used in cooking. These are natural tenderizers and help break down foods by marinating.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 627
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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In cooking 'To Adjust' means to taste during cooking and add seasonings or flavorings as needed.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 561
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To pass dry ingredients through a fine-mesh sifter so large pieces can be removed. The process also incorporates air to make ingredients like flour lighter. Sifting dry ingredients aerates them while distributing small amounts of chemical leaveners or dry seasoning evenly through the mixture. Use sifters sieves or whisks to both aerate and sift.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 620
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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In cooking 'To Age' means to let food get older under controlled conditions. Aged Meat is usually stored 3 - 6 weeks at 34 - 38 degree's F. to allow the enzymes break down connective tissues. Aged Cheese is stored in a teperature controlled area until it develops the desired texture and flavor. Aged Wine is aged in both barrels and bottles. Red wine often benefits from longer aging.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 559
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The Hawaiian name for yellowfin or bigeye tuna. Often served raw or medium rare and used in sushi and sashimi.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 830
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The Hawaiian name for yellowfin or bigeye tuna. Often served raw or medium rare and used in sushi and sashimi.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 606
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A French word for 'in the style of' often used by region A la Carte means items are priced and ordered separately. A la mode means topped with ice cream.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 556
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Greek Mythology refers to ambrosia as the food of the gods (translation is 'immortality'). Also a dessert mixture of fruit served many ways with or without gelatin.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 568
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A French phrase: A little bite of food to amuse the mouth and invigorate the palate. Many Chefs tantalize diners palates with decorative intense flavored tastings to delight the eyes.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 556
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Small silvery fish that come from the Mediterranean usually salt cured and canned in olive oil. These add great flavor to many foods!

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 598
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To tie fat around lean meats or fowl to keep them from drying out during roasting. The fat bastes the meat while it cooks keeping it moist and adding flavor. The fat is removed a few minutes before the meat is finished allowing the meat to brown. Barding is necessary only when there is no natural fat present.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 590
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To brush or spoon food as it cooks with melted fat or the cooking juices from the dish. Basting prevents foods from drying out and adds color and flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 587
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The flesh of a cow bull or ox used as food.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 616
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook raw ingredients in boiling water briefly. Blanched vegetables are generally 'shocked' i.e. plunged immediately and briefly into an ice water bath to stop the cooking process and preserve color and crunch.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 643
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To combine two or more ingredients together with a spoon beater or blender.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 557
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To combine two or more ingredients together with a spoon beater or blender.

Author - Chef Michael
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To heat a liquid to its boiling point until bubbles break the surface. 'Boil' also means to cook food in a boiling liquid.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 570
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the bones from meat fish or fowl. Use a sharp boning knife and angle the blade toward the bone to avoid tearing or nicking the flesh.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 661
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food tightly covered in a small amount of liquid at low heat for a long period of time. Sometimes the food is first browned in fat. The long slow cooking tenderizes meats by gently breaking down their fibers. The braising liquid keeps meats moist and can be used as a basis for sauce. Use wine stocks or water as components in braising liquid.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 577
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food directly above or under a heat source. Food can be broiled in an oven or on a grill.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 527
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To apply a liquid like a glaze to the surface of food using a pastry brush.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 521
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To split food (meat fish fowl) down the center cutting almost but not completely through. The two halves are then opened flat to resemble a butterfly.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 597
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To heat sugar until it liquefies and become a clear caramel syrup ranging in color from golden to dark brown. Fruits and vegetables with natural sugars can be caramelized by sauteeing roasting or grilling giving them a sweet flavor and golden glaze.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 621
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To create small V-shaped grooves over the surface of fruits or vegetables for decorative purposes using a channel knife. The fruit or vegetable is then sliced creating a decorative border on the slices.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 557
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat especially a young one.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 618
Synonyms - hen fowl poultry
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To slice into very thin strips or shreds. Literally translated from French the term means 'made of rags'.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 602
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut food into bite-size pieces using a knife. A food processor may also be used to chop food. Chopped food is more coarsely cut than minced food.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 594
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A marine bivalve mollusk with shells of equal size.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 578
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove sediment from a cloudy liquid thereby making it clear. To clarify liquids such as stock egg whites and/or eggshells are commonly added and simmered for approximately 15 minutes. The egg whites attract and trap particles from the liquid. After cooling strain the mixture through a cloth-lined sieve to remove residue. To clarify rendered fat add hot water and boil for about 15 minutes. The mixture should then be strained through several layers of cheesecloth and chilled. The resulting layer of fat should be completely clear of residue.

Clarified butter is butter that has been heated slowly so that its milk solids separate and sink and can be discarded. The resulting clear liquid can be used at a higher cooking temperature and will not go rancid as quickly as unclarified butter.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 645
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A crustacean with a broad carapace stalked eyes and five pairs of legs the first pair of which are modified as pincers. Crabs are abundant on many shores especially in the tropics where some have become adapted to life on land.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 605
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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An arthropod of the large mainly aquatic group Crustacea such as a crab lobster shrimp or barnacle.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 558
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To treat food by one of several methods for preservation purposes. Examples are smoking pickling - in an acid base corning - with acid and salt and salt curing - which removes water.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 540
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food in hot fat or oil deep enough so that it is completely covered. The temperature of the fat is extremely important and can make the difference between success and failure. When the fat is not hot enough the food absorbs fat and becomes greasy. When the fat is too hot the food burns on the exterior before it has cooked through. Fat at the correct temperature will produce food with a crisp dry exterior and moist interior. An average fat temperature for deep-frying is 375 degrees but the temperature varies according to the food being fried. Use a deep fryer an electric fry pan or a heavy pot and a good kitchen thermometer for deep frying.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 581
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove browned bits of food from the bottom of a pan after sauteing usually meat. After the food and excess fat have been removed from the pan a small amount of liquid is heated with the cooking juices in the pan and stirred to remove browned bits of food from the bottom. The resulting mixture often becomes the base for a sauce.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 665
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A rich brown sauce that starts with Espagnole sauce. Beef stock made from beef and or veal bones and vegetables with wine slowly cooked and reduced until it naturally coats a spoon.It is used as a base for many small sauces.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 576
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the blackish-gray vein from the back of a shrimp. The vein can be removed with a special utensil called a deveiner or with the tip of a sharp knife. Small and medium shrimp need deveining for aesthetic purposes only. However because the veins in large shrimp contain grit they should always be removed.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 634
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the blackish-gray vein from the back of a shrimp. The vein can be removed with a special utensil called a deveiner or with the tip of a sharp knife. Small and medium shrimp need deveining for aesthetic purposes only. However because the veins in large shrimp contain grit they should always be removed.

Author - Chef Michael
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut food into tiny cubes (about 1/8- to 1/4-inch).

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 559
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head short legs and a cooing voice. Doves are generally smaller and more delicate than pigeons but many kinds have been given both names.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 559
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To pour off fat or liquid from food often using a colander.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 543
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To lightly coat food that is going to be fried with flour breadcrumbs or cornmeal. The coating helps to brown the food and provides a crunchy surface. Dredged foods need to be cooked immediately while breaded foods those dredged in flour dipped in egg then dredged again in breading can be prepared and held before cooking.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 1009
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A waterbird with a broad blunt bill short legs webbed feet and a waddling gait.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 573
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Egg Wash is a mixture of egg yolks and/or whites beaten with a little water or milk. Used to brush over breads cakes and pies to give them color and a shiny sealed glaze.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 688
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A Christmas beverage consisting of milk and ice cream beaten eggs sugar cinnamon nutmeg and liquor (we like brandy and rum). The best eggnog requires seperating the eggs and beating the yolks with 1/2 the sugar and whipping the whites with 1/2 the sugar to make meringue folding all together with an electric mixer or blender!

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 581
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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An Eggplant is a member of the nightshade family along with the potato and tomato making it a fruit! It is actually a berry growing on a long vine. There are many varities grown and eaten around the world. Sizes are 2 to 12 inches white black and purple.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 560
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Eggs are one of the most important items in cooking! All eggs should be free of cracks leaks or holes. Eggs are graded by quality and size with grade AA A and B. Eggs are sized by weight per dozen Ex. Large 27 oz. Large 24 oz. Medium 21 oz. Small 18 oz. Peewee 15 oz. Very fresh high quality eggs stand up more when cooked while older eggs spread out more. The color of the yolk depends on the hen's diet. The egg color white or brown depends on the breed of the hen it has nothing to do with nutritional value or taste. Eggs must always be refrigerated. Pasteurized liquid eggs (easy eggs) are beaten together and heated up without cooking to kill any bacteria and then packaged for sale.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 608
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To bind together two liquid ingredients that normally do not combine smoothly such as water and fat. Slowly add one ingredient to the other while mixing rapidly. This action disperses tiny droplets of one liquid in the other. Mayonnaise and vinaigrettes are emulsions. Use a good whisk for a steady even emulsification.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 520
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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In America 'Entree' refers to the main course of the meal. In Europe it refers to the dish served before the meat course during formal dinners.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 562
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A dark strong coffee that's made by forcing steam through a small amount of finely ground pressed special coffee beans. Served in a tiny espresso cup. The addition of heated cream or milk makes this a Cappuccino.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 621
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The butchering cutting and trimming of meat poultry fish and game.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 552
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To create a fillet of fish or meat by cutting away the bones. Fish and boning knives help produce clean fillets.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 594
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 672
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To combine a light mixture like beaten egg whites with a much heavier mixture like whipped cream. In a large bowl place the lighter mixture on top of the heavier one. Starting at the back of the bowl using the edge of a rubber spatula cut down through the middle of both mixtures across the bottom of the bowl and up the near side. Rotate the bowl a quarter turn and repeat. This process gently combines the two mixtures.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 551
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Chefs and Cooks sharing cooking techniques recipes and ideas with people who share similar interests or concerns and who interact and remain in contact for mutual assistance or support. Professionals in the food-service industry network together to achieve quality.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 579
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 590
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food (non-submerged) in hot fat or oil over moderate to high heat. There is very little difference between frying and SAUTEING although sauteing is often thought of as being faster and using less fat.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 577
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A glaze in cooking is a coating of a glossy often sweet sometimes savory substance applied to food typically by dipping dripping or with a brush.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 711
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large waterbird with a long neck short legs webbed feet and a short broad bill. Generally geese are larger than ducks and have longer necks and shorter bills

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 565
Synonyms - gander gosling
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To reduce a large piece of food to coarse or fine threads by rubbing it against a rough serrated surface usually on a grater. A food processor fitted with the appropriate blades can also be used for grating. The food that is being grated should be firm. Cheese that needs to be grated can be refrigerated first for easier grating.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 752
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Gravy is a sauce made often from the juices that run naturally during cooking and often thickened with wheat flour or cornstarch for added texture

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 606
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A special flat pan or cooktop designed to cook foods like pancakes and hamburgers. Some have long handles or two handles non stick aluminum or cast iron. Often confused with grilling see below.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 557
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food on a grill over hot coals or other heat source. The intense heat creates a crust on the surface of the food which seals in the juices. The grill should be clean and must be heated before the food is laid on it. The food can also be basted and seasoned.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 568
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To reduce food to small pieces by running it through a grinder or food processor. Food can be ground to different degrees from fine to coarse. A mortar and pestle is prefered by many Chefs and Pharmacists alike.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 648
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A Greek specialty consisting of chopped lamb and spices molded around a vertical spit the meat is sliced and served on pita bread with cucumber sauce tomatoes and onions.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 572
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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This extremely hot chili is from Mexico and the Caribbean. It is light green yellow or orange and also available as a dried habanero powder! Caution it is extremely hot some believe it's strong enough to stop a grizzly.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 578
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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In general use herbs are any plants used for food flavoring medicine or perfume. Culinary use typically distinguishes herbs from spices.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 633
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To create an emulsion by reducing all the particles to the same size. The fat globules are broken down mechanically until they are evenly distributed throughout the liquid. Homogenized milk and some commercial salad dressings are two examples of homogenized foods.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 552
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To steep an aromatic ingredient in hot liquid until the flavor has been extracted and absorbed by the liquid. Teas are infusions. Milk or cream can also be infused with flavor before being used in custards or sauces.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 551
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut meat and poultry into large pieces at the joints using a very sharp knife.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 702
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut food into thin sticks. Food is cut with a knife or mandoline into even slices then into strips.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 521
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To mix and work dough into a smooth elastic mass. Kneading can be done either manually or by machine. By hand kneading is done with a pressing-folding-turning action. First the dough is pressed with the heels of both hands and pushed away from the body so the dough stretches out. The dough is then folded in half given a quarter turn and the process is repeated. Depending on the dough the kneading time can range anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. During kneading the gluten strands stretch and expand enabling dough to hold in gas bubbles formed by a leavener which allows it to rise.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 796
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To insert strips of fat (lardons) or bacon into a dry cut of meat using a utensil called a larding needle. Larding makes the cooked meat more succulent and tender.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 600
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cover the bottom and sides of a pan mold or terrine with a thin layer of bacon pork fat flavorings or pastry. Cake pans are frequently lined with parchment paper to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan after baking.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 524
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large marine crustacean with a cylindrical body stalked eyes and the first of its five pairs of limbs modified as pincers.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 564
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To soak foods usually fruit in liquid so they absorb the liquid's flavor. The macerating liquid is usually alcohol liqueur wine brandy or sugar syrup. Macerate is also frequently applied to fruits sprinkled with sugar which intensifies natural flavor of the fruit by drawing out its juices.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 532
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To soak food in a seasoned liquid mixture for a certain length of time. The purpose of marinating is to add flavor and/or tenderize the food. Due to the acidic ingredients in many marinades foods should be marinated in glass ceramic or stainless steel containers. Foods should also be covered and refrigerated while they are marinating. When fruits are soaked in this same manner the process is called macerating.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 542
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To crush a food into smooth and evenly textured state. For potatoes or other root vegetables use a ricer masher or food mill. While food processors provide a smooth texture more like a puree or a paste they should not be used for potatoes.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 632
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut food into very tiny pieces. Minced food is cut into smaller finer pieces than diced food.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 561
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To whisk cold butter piece by piece into a warm sauce for smooth texture flavor and sheen. Each piece of butter must be thoroughly incorporated before a new piece is added so that the sauce does not break (or separate into liquid and fat).

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 538
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Any of a number of bivalve mollusks with a brown or purplish-black shell.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 577
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To completely coat food with a light thin even layer of sauce.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 578
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A fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 602
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A sandwich prepared with just one piece of bread which is topped with a wide variety of meats vegetables cheeses and heated or not.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 580
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Any of a number of bivalve mollusks with rough irregular shells. Several kinds are eaten (especially raw) as a delicacy and may be farmed for food or pearls.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 589
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To boil food briefly in water cooking it only partially. Parboiling is used for dense food like carrots and potatoes. After being parboiled these foods can be added at the last minute to quicker-cooking ingredients. Parboiling insures that all ingredients will finish cooking at the same time. Since foods will continue to cook once they have been removed from the boiling water they should be shocked in ice water briefly to preserve color and texture. Cooking can then be completed by sautéing or the parboiled vegetable can be added to simmering soups or stews.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 676
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To remove the thin outer layer of foods using a paring knife or a vegetable peeler.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 966
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To remove the rind or skin from a fruit or vegetable using a knife or vegetable peeler.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 570
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A large long-tailed game bird native to Asia the male of which typically has very showy plumage.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 602
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To cook food by gently simmering in liquid at or just below the boiling point. The amount of the liquid and poaching temperature depends on the food being poached.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 537
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The flesh of a pig used as food especially when uncured.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 542
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To cook meat slowly by moist heat in a covered pot. The meat is first browned then braised either on top of the stove or in the oven. Pot roasting is good for tougher cuts of meat which require longer cooking times to break down connective tissue.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 595
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Pounding thinner cuts of meat tenderizes it by breaking down muscle. Kitchen mallets are generally used for pounding but it can be done using a small frying pan as well. First place the piece of meat between two pieces of plastic wrap or wax paper.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 695
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To grind or mash food until completely smooth. This can be done using a food processor or blender or by pressing the food through a sieve.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 527
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To mark the surface of grilled or broiled food with a crisscross pattern of lines. The scorings are produced by contact with very hot single grill bars which brown the surface of the food. Very hot skewers may also be used to mark the surface.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 742
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A small short-tailed Old World game bird resembling a small partridge typically having brown camouflaged plumage.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 675
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To quickly place a heated object in cold water. This is usually done to either stop the cooking process or to separate the skin of an object from the meat. This process is sometimes referred to as 'shocking.'

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 689
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A popular dish from the French region of Province that combines tomatoes eggplant onions peppers zucchini olive oil herbs and garlic all simmered together. Visti our recipe section to get the recipe thats full of flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 549
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To thicken or concentrate a liquid by boiling rapidly. The volume of the liquid is reduced as the water evaporates thereby thickening the consistency and intensifying the flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 563
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To push cooked food through a perforated kitchen tool called a ricer. The resulting food looks like rice.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 520
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To oven-cook food in an uncovered pan. The food is exposed to high heat which produces a well-browned surface and seals in the juices. Reasonably tender pieces of meat or poultry should be used for roasting. Food that is going to be roasted for a long time may be barded to prevent drying out.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 541
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A mixture of fat or butter and flour used to thicken sauces.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 580
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Thick liquid served with food usually savory dishes to add moistness and flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 663
Synonyms - gravy relish salsa condiment ketchup dip dressing
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food quickly in a small amount of fat or oil until brown in a skillet or saute pan over direct heat. The saute pan and fat must be hot before the food is added otherwise the food will absorb oil and become soggy. Practice makes perfectly saute foods.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 590
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To dip fruits or vegetables in boiling water in order to loosen their skins and simplify peeling. The produce should be left in the water for only 30 seconds to prohibit cooking and should be shocked in an ice water bath before the skin is removed

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 699
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To remove the scales from the skin of a fish using a dull knife or a special kitchen tool called a fish scaler. Also means weighing out all ingredients in a recipe.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 600
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To brown meat or fish quickly over very high heat either in a fry pan under a broiler or in a hot oven. Searing seals in the food's juices and provides a crisp tasty exterior. Seared food can then be eaten rare or roasted or braised to desired degree of doneness.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 640
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To coat the cooking surface of a new pot or pan with vegetable oil then heat in a 350 degree oven for about an hour. This smoothes out the surface of new pots and pans particularly cast-iron and prevents foods from sticking.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 565
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To remove the seeds from fruits and vegetables.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 559
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To cut food into thin strips. This can be done by hand or by using a grater or food processor. Cooked meat can be shredded by pulling it apart with two forks.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 570
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A small free-swimming crustacean with an elongated body typically marine and frequently harvested for food.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 611
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To strain liquids or particles of food through a sieve or strainer. Press the solids using a ladle or wooden spoon into the strainer to remove as much liquid and flavor as possible.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 603
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To pass dry ingredients through a fine mesh sifter so large pieces can be removed. The process also incorporates air to make ingredients like flour lighter. Synonymous with AERATE.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 634
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food in liquid over gentle heat just below the boiling point low enough so that tiny bubbles just begin to break the surface.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 592
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To spear small pieces of food on long thin pointed rods called skewers. The Romans and Chinese have skewered many foods for thousands of years.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 563
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the scum that rises to the surface from a liquid when it is boiled. The top layer of the liquid such as the cream from milk or the foam and fat from stock soups or sauces can be removed using a spoon ladle or skimmer. Soups stews or sauces can be chilled so that the fat coagulates on the surface and may be easily removed before reheating.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 582
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the skin from food before or after cooking. Poultry fish and game are often skinned for reasons of appearance taste and diet. Check out our cutlery section for scissors and skinning knives.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 566
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To expose fresh food to smoke from a wood fire for a prolonged period of time. Traditionally used for preservation purposes smoking is now a means of giving flavor to food. Smoking tends to dry the food kills bacteria deepens color and gives food a smoky flavor. The duration of smoking varies from 20 minutes to several days. The most commonly used woods are beech oak and chestnut to which aromatic essences are often added. Small home smokers are now available.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 565
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A spice is a seed fruit root bark berry bud or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring coloring or preserving food. Spices are distinguished from herbs which are parts of leafy green plants used for flavoring or as a garnish.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 575
Synonyms - seasoning flavoring condiment
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook food on a rack or in steamer basket over a boiling liquid in a covered pan. Steaming retains flavor shape texture and nutrients better than boiling or poaching. Our steamer insert fits almost any pot! Search 'steamer basket' on the home page.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 594
Striped Bass
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large bass of North American coastal waters with dark horizontal stripes along the upper sides migrating up streams to breed.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 535
Summer Flounder
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The summer flounder is a marine flatfish that is found in the Atlantic Ocean off the East coast of the United States and Canada. It is especially abundant in waters from North Carolina to Massachusetts

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 532
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the flesh sections of citrus fruit from the membranes. Using a sharp knife cut away all of the skin and pith from the outside of the fruit. Place the knife between the membrane and the flesh of one section and slice down. Turn the knife catching the middle of the fruit. Slice up removing each section sans membrane.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 588
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cook vegetables in fat over gentle heat so they become soft but not brown and their juices are concentrated in the cooking fat. If the pan is covered during cooking the ingredients will keep a certain amount of their natural moisture. If the pan is not covered the ingredients will remain relatively dry.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 528
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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  1. To slowly bring up the temperature of a cold or room temperature ingredient by adding small amounts of a hot or boiling liquid. Adding the hot liquid gradually prevents the cool ingredient such as eggs from cooking or setting. The tempered mixture can then be added back to hot liquid for further cooking. This process is used most in making pastry cream and the like.
  2. To bring chocolate to a state in which it has snap shine and no streaks. Commercially available chocolate is already tempered but this condition changes when it is melted. Tempering is often done when the chocolate will be used for candy making or decorations. Chocolate must be tempered because it contains cocoa butter a fat that forms crystals after chocolate is melted and cooled. Dull grey streaks form and are called bloom. The classic tempering method is to melt chocolate until it is totally without lumps (semisweet chocolate melts at a temperature of 104 degrees F.) One third of the chocolate is then poured onto a marble slab then spread and worked back and forth with a metal spatula until it becomes thick and reaches a temperature of about 80 degrees F. The thickened chocolate is then added back to the remaining 2/3 melted chocolate and stirred. The process is repeated until the entire mixture reaches 88-92 degrees for semisweet chocolate 84-88 degrees for milk or white chocolate. This whole process can also be done in a simple double boiler or a stainless steel mixing bowl over a pot of hot water. For more chocolate tips visit our chocolate section.
Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 625
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To make meat more tender by pounding with a mallet marinating for varying periods of time or storing at lower temperatures. Fat may also be placed into a piece of meat to make it more tender during cooking. Our meat tenderizers are amazing visit the Sportsmans section.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 653
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To make a barrel shape piece of food by using a tourney or birds beak knife usually a vegetable. Search this word 'Tourne' on the home page.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 726
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To secure food usually poultry or game with string pins or skewers so that it maintains a compact shape during cooking. Trussing allows for easier basting during cooking.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 606
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles. It is prized as food especially on festive occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 587
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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The word which describes any baked good that has no leavener such as yeast baking powder or baking soda.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 568
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To cut zigzags in edges of fruit and vegetables halves usually oranges tomatoes or lemons. The food is usually used as a garnish to decorate a dish.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 917
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A plant or part of a plant used as food typically as accompaniment to meat or fish such as a cabbage potato carrot or bean.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 680
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To beat ingredients such as egg whites or cream until light and fluffy. Air is incorporated into the ingredients as they are whipped increasing their volume until they are light and fluffy.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 515
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To beat or whip ingredients together until smooth using a kitchen tool called a whisk.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 554
Winter Flounder
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A common flatfish of the western Atlantic having cryptic gray-brown coloration and popular as food in winter in North America.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 557
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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An indicator on a box of confectioners’ sugar of how many times it has been ground. The higher the number of X's the finer the grind.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 1257
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A Japanese term meaning 'grilled.'

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 608
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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Popular spice blend in Turkey and other areas this blend is composed of sesame seeds powdered sumac and dried thyme. Zahtar can be purchased on our Spice Page.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 555
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To remove the outermost skin layers of citrus fruit using a knife peeler or zester. When zesting be careful not to remove the pith the white layer between the zest and the flesh which is bitter.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 620


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