Food and Wine

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Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A popular dish from the French region of Province that combines tomatoes eggplant onions peppers zucchini olive oil herbs and garlic all simmered together. Visti our recipe section to get the recipe thats full of flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 549
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To thicken or concentrate a liquid by boiling rapidly. The volume of the liquid is reduced as the water evaporates thereby thickening the consistency and intensifying the flavor.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 564
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To push cooked food through a perforated kitchen tool called a ricer. The resulting food looks like rice.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 521
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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To oven-cook food in an uncovered pan. The food is exposed to high heat which produces a well-browned surface and seals in the juices. Reasonably tender pieces of meat or poultry should be used for roasting. Food that is going to be roasted for a long time may be barded to prevent drying out.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 541
Glossaries - Food and Wine
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A mixture of fat or butter and flour used to thicken sauces.

Author - Chef Michael
Hits - 580


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